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Museum Jamtli

"Jamtli" - Ethnographic Museum, one of the largest museums in Sweden. It operates as an open-air exhibition as a modern museum with temporary and permanent exhibitions. Museum "Jamtli" located in Ostersund.

The museum is divided into two parts. The first part - is the exposure that tell visitors about the life of the Saami and the Vikings, the life of the peasants 17 - 19th centuries, as well as the nature of Scandinavia. In the main building of the museum are unique woven fabrics - tapestries Everhugdalya, extant from the Viking era.

The second part of the museum is a huge area in the open air. Here you can find different built three hundred years ago. Annually arrange folk performances and dances. In the ethnographic museum "Jamtli" hold exhibitions handicrafts, folklore and crafts. Everyone can take part in historical representations, as well as in various master classes on making souvenirs and small handicrafts. 

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