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"Copper tents" (Koppartälten) - Historical Museum, which is located in the Royal Haga Park in Stockholm.

Was originally built three copper tent designed by Louis Jean Desprez in 1787 - 1790 years. However, one tent completely burned. To date, two left the tent. One of them is a restaurant where you can not only eat, but also enjoy the bright imposing interior of a historic building. And the other is a tent pavilion for the museum. The museum building resembles oriental Sultan mansion. Earlier this tent was designed for the royal stables and the sentry post.

Today, this museum has an incredible layout project of King Gustav III, which was created by architect Louis Despres. The thing is that at the end of the 80s of the 18th century the situation of foreign and domestic policy deteriorated and the Swedish king, more goes into the dream of a grand building. An example is the layout and this huge palace that the project had to stand on a hilltop in the Hague. However, the palace was never built.

Visiting the museum, you can enjoy a walk in the park Haga, who is considered the personification of romantic English park, popular in England since the mid-18th to early 19th centuries. 

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